  1. tailwind-css-presets

Tailwind CSS Presets

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that provides pre-defined classes to rapidly build custom user interfaces. Tailwind Presets are pre-defined custom configurations that include multiple pre-built classes that can be used as shortcuts for common design patterns.


A Tailwind preset is a set of pre-defined styles that are imported and applied to your CSS code. Presets come in the form of configuration files that are easily installed and customizable.

A sample syntax for installing a preset:

npm i -D @tailwindcss/custom-preset

A sample syntax for importing a preset:

module.exports = {
  presets: [
  // ...

Examples and Output

A Tailwind preset can include a variety of pre-built classes for common design patterns. Some examples of Tailwind presets include:

  • Rounded Borders
  • Flexbox Layouts
  • Typography Configuration

Here is an example configuration for a Tailwind preset that includes a set of pre-built classes for rounded borders:

module.exports = {
  theme: {
    borderRadius: {
      'none': '0',
      'sm': '0.125rem',
      'default': '0.25rem',
      'lg': '0.5rem',
      'full': '9999px',
  variants: {},
  plugins: [],

When this preset is imported and applied to your CSS code, you can use the pre-built classes to apply rounded borders to your elements. For example:

<div class="rounded-lg p-4 bg-gray-100">
  This element has a rounded border and a gray background.


Tailwind CSS presets are pre-defined configurations that consist of pre-built classes. These classes can be used as shortcuts for common design patterns, making it easier and faster to build custom user interfaces.

Tailwind presets are created as configuration files that can be easily installed and customized. When a preset is applied to your CSS code, the pre-built classes are available for use.


Tailwind presets can be used for any project to speed up and simplify the process of building custom user interfaces. Presets can be easily installed and customized to fit your project's specific needs.

If you are working on a project that requires a lot of customization, you can create your own presets or modify an existing one to better fit your needs.

Important Points

  • Tailwind presets are pre-defined configurations that include multiple pre-built classes
  • Presets can be easily installed and customized
  • Pre-built classes can be used as shortcuts for common design patterns
  • Tailwind presets can be used for any project to speed up and simplify the process of building custom user interfaces
  • You can create your own presets or modify an existing one to better fit your needs


Tailwind CSS Presets are pre-built configurations that consist of pre-defined classes that can be used as shortcuts for common design patterns. Presets can be easily installed and customized to fit your project's specific needs, making it faster and simpler to build custom user interfaces. Tailwind presets can be useful for any project and can be easily modified to fit individual requirements.

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