  1. tailwind-css-border-color

Tailwind CSS Border Color

The border-color utility in Tailwind CSS is used to set the border color of an element. It can be used to set the border color of an element to a specific color or to use one of the predefined colors provided by Tailwind CSS.


The border-color utility follows the below syntax:

<!-- Setting the border color to a specific color -->
<div class="border border-color-{color}"></div>

<!-- Using one of the predefined colors provided by Tailwind CSS -->
<div class="border border-{gray}-500"></div>


Here's an example of how to use the border-color utility in Tailwind CSS:

<div class="border border-color-blue-500"></div>


The above code will produce the following output:

Tailwind CSS Border Color Example Output


In the above example, we have used the border-color utility to set the border-color of the div to the color blue-500. The border utility is used to set the border properties of an element.


The border-color utility can be used to set the border-color of any element. It can be used in combination with other border utilities like border-width and border-radius to create complex borders.

Important Points

  • The border-color utility can be used to set the border color of any element.
  • It can be used to set the border color to a specific color or to use one of the predefined colors provided by Tailwind CSS.
  • It can be used in combination with other border utilities like border-width and border-radius to create complex borders.


In this tutorial, we learned about the border-color utility in Tailwind CSS. We learned about its syntax, saw examples of how to use it, and its output. We also learned about its use, important points, and summary. With this knowledge, you can now use the border-color utility to set the border color of any element in your projects.

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