  1. tailwind-css-transition-property

Tailwind CSS Transition Property

The transition property in Tailwind CSS allows you to add animated transitions between different states of an element. It is a shorthand property for transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, and transition-delay.


The syntax for using the transition property in Tailwind CSS is as follows:

/* Default transition */
transition: all 150ms ease-in-out;

/* Specific transition */
transition-property: color;
transition-duration: 250ms;
transition-timing-function: ease-out;
transition-delay: 100ms;

/* Multiple transitions */
  background-color 200ms ease-in-out 100ms,
  border-color 200ms ease-in-out 100ms;
  • transition-property: Defines which CSS properties to apply the transition effect to.
  • transition-duration: Specifies the duration of the transition effect in milliseconds or seconds.
  • transition-timing-function: Defines the speed curve of the transition effect.
  • transition-delay: Specifies a delay (in milliseconds or seconds) for the transition effect.


Here are some examples of using the transition property in Tailwind CSS:

Default Transition

<button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded transition">

In the above example, the transition class is added to a button element. The default transition will be applied, which is all properties with a duration of 150ms and an ease-in-out timing function.

Specific Transition

<button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded transition-colors transition-duration-500 transition-timing-ease-out transition-delay-100">

In the above example, the transition-colors class is used to apply the transition effect only to the color property of the button. The duration of the transition effect is set to 500ms, the timing function is set to ease-out, and the delay is set to 100ms.

Multiple Transitions

<div class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold p-4 rounded transition-all transition-duration-500 transition-timing-ease-in-out transition-delay-100">
  <p class="text-center font-bold">Hover Over Me!</p>
  <p class="text-center text-sm mt-2">Multiple transitions are applied to the background-color and border-color of this div.</p>

In the above example, the transition-all class is used to apply the transition effect to all properties. The values for transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, and transition-delay are separated by commas to apply multiple transitions to the background-color and border-color of the div element.


The above examples will produce the following output:

Default Transition

Default Transition example output

Specific Transition

Specific Transition example output

Multiple Transitions

Multiple Transitions example output


The transition property allows you to create animated transitions between different states of an element. You can specify which properties to apply the transition effect to, the duration of the effect, the timing function, and the delay.

By default, the transition property applies the transition effect to all properties, with a duration of 150ms and an ease-in-out timing function. You can override these defaults by using specific classes such as transition-colors, transition-duration-500, transition-timing-ease-out, or transition-delay-100.

If you want to apply multiple transitions to an element, you can separate the different transition values with commas.


The transition property is a useful tool when you want to add smooth, animated effects to your web page. You can use it to make hover effects more engaging, fade in and out elements, or animate the opening and closing of accordions.

Important Points

  • The transition property is a shorthand property for transition-property, transition-duration, transition-timing-function, and transition-delay.
  • You can apply the transition effect to all properties by using the transition class or specify individual properties by using specific classes such as transition-colors.
  • You can override the default values of the transition property by using specific classes such as transition-duration-500 or transition-timing-ease-out.
  • You can apply multiple transition effects to an element by separating the different values with commas.
  • The transition property is a useful tool for adding smooth, animated effects to your web page.
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