  1. tailwind-css-backdrop-grayscale

Tailwind CSS Backdrop Grayscale

The backdrop-grayscale utility class in Tailwind CSS applies a grayscale filter to the backdrop behind an element.


<div class="backdrop-grayscale-[value]"></div>
  • [value] - The amount of grayscale to apply to the backdrop. It can be a value between 0 and 100.


<div class="bg-gray-300 p-4">
  <h1 class="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">
    Backdrop Grayscale Example
  <div class="relative p-4 bg-white shadow-lg rounded-lg">
    <p class="mb-4">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu nisl dignissim, mattis risus non, varius sapien. Fusce ac ullamcorper massa.
    <button class="absolute top-2 right-2 p-2 bg-blue-500 text-white rounded-lg backdrop-grayscale-50">
      Click me


Tailwind CSS Backdrop Grayscale Example Output

In the above example, the backdrop-grayscale-50 class is applied to the button element, which applies a grayscale filter of 50% to the backdrop behind the button.


The backdrop-grayscale utility class in Tailwind CSS applies a grayscale filter to the backdrop behind an element. The amount of grayscale to apply can be specified by using a value between 0 and 100.

The backdrop-grayscale utility class can be useful for creating visual effects or highlighting specific content by reducing the contrast of the backdrop.


The backdrop-grayscale utility class can be used in combination with other utility classes in Tailwind CSS to create various visual effects. For example, it can be used to reduce the contrast of a background image or to highlight specific content on a page.

Important Points

  • The backdrop-grayscale utility class applies a grayscale filter to the backdrop behind an element.
  • The amount of grayscale to apply can be specified using a value between 0 and 100.
  • The backdrop-grayscale utility class can be used in combination with other utility classes to create various visual effects.
  • The backdrop-grayscale utility class can be applied to any element that has a backdrop, such as a modal or a dropdown.


The backdrop-grayscale utility class in Tailwind CSS applies a grayscale filter to the backdrop behind an element, and the amount of grayscale can be specified using a value between 0 and 100. This utility class can be useful for creating visual effects or highlighting specific content by reducing the contrast of the backdrop. It can be used in combination with other utility classes to create various visual effects, and can be applied to any element that has a backdrop.

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