  1. postman-request-parameters

Request Parameters for Postman Sending Requests


The syntax for adding request parameters in Postman is as follows:

  1. Click on the "Params" tab in the request builder.
  2. Enter key-value pairs for the request parameters.


Here's an example of adding request parameters in Postman:

  1. Click on the "Params" tab in the request builder.
  2. Enter "name" as the key and "John" as the value.
  3. Click "Send" to send the request with the specified request parameter.


The output will vary depending on the API being called and the specific request parameters being used.


Request parameters provide additional information to the API being called. In Postman, you can add request parameters by clicking on the "Params" tab in the request builder and specifying the key-value pairs for the parameters. These parameters can be used for filtering, sorting, or limiting the results returned by the API.


Request parameters are often used in REST APIs to provide additional functionality. By using request parameters, you can specify the desired behavior of the API and tailor the response to meet your needs. This can include filtering by certain criteria, sorting the results in a specific order, or limiting the number of results returned.

Important Points

  • Always check the API documentation to ensure that you are using the correct request parameters.
  • Be sure to specify the correct data type for each request parameter.
  • When testing APIs with Postman, always review the response to ensure that the request parameters are working correctly.


Request parameters are an important part of REST APIs, as they allow you to specify the desired behavior of the API and tailor the response to meet your needs. In Postman, adding request parameters is simple, and can provide powerful functionality for testing and interacting with APIs.

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