  1. postman-dynamic-variables

Dynamic Variables in Postman - Postman Variables


In Postman, dynamic variables are denoted by curly braces { } and can include an optional variable type prefix followed by the variable name. The syntax for dynamic variables is as follows:



Here's an example of using dynamic variables in a Postman request:

GET {{base_url}}/users/{{user_id}}

In this example, base_url and user_id are dynamic variables.


The output will vary depending on the specific dynamic variables being used and the response from the API.


Dynamic variables in Postman allow you to generate and manipulate data dynamically, making it easy to automate tests and build workflows. Postman supports several types of dynamic variables, including environment variables, global variables, and collection variables. These variables can be used to store and reference data such as API URLs, authentication credentials, and test data.


Dynamic variables can be used in a number of ways in Postman, including:

  • Specifying URLs and endpoint paths in API requests
  • Storing and referencing authentication credentials
  • Modifying test data based on previous test results
  • Building automated workflows using variables and scripts

Important Points

  • Postman supports several types of dynamic variables, including environment variables, global variables, and collection variables.
  • Dynamic variables can be used to automate tests and workflows, making it easy to build and maintain complex API integrations.
  • Dynamic variables should be used with caution and properly sanitized to prevent security vulnerabilities.


Dynamic variables in Postman are a powerful tool for building and testing APIs. By utilizing dynamic variables, you can easily automate tests, build custom workflows, and simplify the process of doing API testing and development. Understanding how to use dynamic variables effectively will help you get the most out of Postman and streamline your API development process.

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