  1. postman-navigation

Navigation in Postman


There is no specific syntax for navigation in Postman.


Here's an example of how to navigate in Postman:

  1. Click on the Collections tab in the upper left corner.
  2. Select the desired collection from the list.
  3. Click on the desired request within the collection.
  4. The request will be displayed, and you can modify its parameters and send it as needed.


The output will vary depending on the specific request being sent and the response received.


Navigation in Postman involves moving between different requests and collections as needed. This allows you to view and modify the parameters for each request and send them to the server. You can also view the responses received from the server and analyze the data returned.


Navigation is an essential part of using Postman, as it allows you to quickly switch between different requests and collections. This can be useful for debugging, testing, and analyzing API responses.

Important Points

  • Use the Collections tab to navigate between different collections.
  • Use the tabs within a collection to navigate between different requests.
  • Modify the parameters for each request as needed.
  • Use the response viewer to analyze the data returned from the server.


Navigation in Postman allows you to quickly switch between different requests and collections, modify their parameters, and view the responses received from the server. This is an essential part of using Postman for debugging, testing, and analyzing API responses.

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