  1. postman-chai-assertion-library

Chai Assertion Library for Postman Scripts


The syntax for using Chai Assertion Library in Postman scripts is as follows:

pm.test('Test description', function() {
    chai.assert(condition, message);


Here's an example of using the Chai Assertion Library in a Postman test script:

pm.test('Response status code is 200', function() {
    chai.assert.equal(pm.response.code, 200, 'Response code should be 200');


The output of the test script will depend on the specific conditions being checked. If the assertion fails, an error message will be displayed in the Postman console.


The Chai Assertion Library is a popular assertion library for JavaScript that is often used in conjunction with testing frameworks like Mocha. In Postman scripts, Chai can be used to assert specific conditions in the HTTP response, such as the status code or the body content. The chai.assert function takes a condition argument, which is the condition being checked, and a message argument, which is an optional string message to display if the assertion fails.


Chai Assertion Library is a useful tool when writing Postman tests, as it allows you to assert specific conditions in the HTTP response and ensure that your API is functioning correctly. Chai offers a wide range of assertion methods, which can be used to check for things like equality, truthiness, and type.

Important Points

  • When using Chai Assertion Library in Postman scripts, be sure to include the library in your script using pm.sendRequest.
  • Chai offers a variety of assertion methods, so be sure to choose the one that is most appropriate for the condition you are checking.
  • Avoid using Chai in conjunction with other assertion libraries, as this can cause conflicts and unexpected behavior.


Chai Assertion Library is a powerful tool for asserting conditions in Postman test scripts. By using Chai, you can ensure that your API is functioning correctly and avoid issues with unexpected behavior. Remember to choose the appropriate assertion method and to avoid conflicts with other assertion libraries.

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