  1. postman-creating-first-collection

Tutorial: Creating Your First Postman Collection


There is no specific syntax for creating a Postman collection.


Here's an example of how to create your first Postman collection:

  1. Click "Collections" in the left sidebar of the Postman application.
  2. Click "Create a Collection".
  3. Enter a name and description for your collection.
  4. Click "Create".


The output will be a new collection added to your Postman workspace.


Postman collections are a group of saved requests that are organized into folders, making it easier to manage API requests. Creating your first collection involves creating a new collection and adding requests to it. You can create folders within your collection to organize requests.


Creating a Postman collection is useful for organizing API requests and managing workflows. Collections can be shared among team members and exported for backup or sharing.

Important Points

  • Ensure that your collection is named appropriately and has a clear description.
  • Organize your requests into logical folders.
  • Use variables to make your requests more dynamic and reusable.


Creating a Postman collection is a simple process that involves creating a new collection and organizing requests into folders. By using collections, you can better manage your API workflows and share them with your team. Make sure to take advantage of variables to make your requests more dynamic and reusable.

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