  1. postman-intro-to-scripts

Introduction to Scripts in Postman


Postman scripts are written in JavaScript and can be added to requests, collections, and environments.


Here's an example of a Postman script that adds a random number to a request header:

// Generate a random number between 1 and 100
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1;

// Set the "Random-Number" header with the generated number
    key: 'Random-Number',
    value: randomNumber.toString()


The output of a Postman script will depend on what the script is designed to do. In the above example, the "Random-Number" header will be set to a random integer between 1 and 100.


Postman scripts allow you to automate and customize your API testing workflows. Scripts can manipulate data, set headers, perform assertions, and more.

There are two types of scripts in Postman:

  1. Pre-request scripts: These scripts are executed before the request is sent and can be used to dynamically generate request data or manipulate variables.
  2. Tests scripts: These scripts are executed after the request is sent and can be used to perform assertions on the response or manipulate variables based on the response.

Postman scripts use the same syntax as JavaScript, so if you're familiar with JavaScript, you can quickly start writing scripts in Postman.


Postman scripts can be used to:

  • Dynamically generate request data
  • Manipulate variables based on the response
  • Set headers or cookies based on user input
  • Perform assertions on the response
  • And more

By using scripts, you can automate repetitive tasks and speed up your API testing workflows.

Important Points

  • Postman scripts are written in JavaScript.
  • Pre-request scripts are executed before the request is sent, while test scripts are executed after the response is received.
  • Scripts can manipulate data, set headers, perform assertions, and more.


Postman scripts allow you to customize and automate your API testing workflows. By writing JavaScript code, you can manipulate data, set headers, perform assertions, and more. Understanding how to use Postman scripts can greatly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your API testing.

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