  1. postman-cookies

Cookies in Postman Requests


The syntax for sending cookies in Postman requests is:

Cookie: <cookie_name>=<cookie_value>


Here's an example of sending a cookie in a Postman request:

Cookie: session_id=1234567890abcdef


The output of a request with a cookie will depend on the specific API being called and how it handles cookies.


Cookies are a way to store data in the user's browser so that it can be retrieved again later. In Postman, you can include cookies in your requests by specifying the cookie name and value in the "Cookie" header. This can be useful for APIs that require authentication or for tracking user behavior over time.


Use cookies in Postman requests to send data to APIs that require authentication or for tracking user behavior over time. Cookies can also be used to store session data that lasts for the duration of a user's visit to a website.

Important Points

  • Always make sure you have the correct cookie name and value when sending requests with cookies.
  • Do not include sensitive data in cookies that could be intercepted by a malicious user.


Cookies can be useful in Postman requests for authentication and tracking user behavior. By including the cookie name and value in the "Cookie" header, you can send data to APIs that require authentication or store session data that lasts for the duration of a user's visit to a website. As always, be careful not to include sensitive data in cookies that could be intercepted by a malicious user.

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