  1. postman-asserts-in-postman

Asserts in Postman


Asserts in Postman use the following syntax:

pm.test("Test Name", function() {


Here's an example of an assert in Postman:

pm.test("Status code is 200", function () {;


The output of an assert in Postman will either be "pass" or "fail", depending on whether the test was successful.


Asserts are used in Postman to verify that a specific request or response meets certain criteria. You can use asserts to check the HTTP status code, response body, headers, and more. If the assert meets the expected result, the test is considered "pass", otherwise it is considered "fail".


Asserts are useful in Postman when testing APIs, as they allow you to verify that the API is working as expected. For example, you can use asserts to check that a request returns the correct data, or to ensure that a specific error message is returned when there's a problem with the request.

Important Points

  • Always use descriptive test names to make it easier to understand the purpose of the assert.
  • Use multiple asserts to thoroughly test all aspects of the API response.
  • Avoid using hardcoded values in your asserts, as these can break if the API response changes.


Asserts are an important part of testing APIs in Postman, as they allow you to verify that the API is working as expected. By using descriptive test names and multiple asserts, you can thoroughly test all aspects of the API response and ensure that your API is functioning correctly.

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