  1. less-miscellaneous-functions

Miscellaneous Functions - (Less Functions)

In Less, there are several miscellaneous functions that are used for various purposes such as color manipulation, string manipulation, and value conversion. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of the less miscellaneous functions.


The syntax of miscellaneous functions in Less is as follows:

functionName(arg1, arg2, ..., argN)


Let's see some examples of the miscellaneous functions in Less.

1. Lighten

The lighten function is used to lighten a color by a percentage amount.

color: lighten(#800080, 20%);

The output of this code would be a color that is 20% lighter than #800080.

2. Darken

The darken function is used to darken a color by a percentage amount.

color: darken(#800080, 20%);

The output of this code would be a color that is 20% darker than #800080.

3. Saturate

The saturate function is used to saturate a color by a percentage amount.

color: saturate(#800080, 20%);

The output of this code would be a color that is 20% more saturated than #800080.

4. Desaturate

The desaturate function is used to desaturate a color by a percentage amount.

color: desaturate(#800080, 20%);

The output of this code would be a color that is 20% less saturated than #800080.

5. String Functions

Less also provides several functions for manipulating strings such as replace, length, unit, escape, and e.

// replace
str: replace("Hello, world", "world", "Less");
// Output: "Hello, Less"

// length
str-len: length("Hello, world");
// Output: 12

// unit
unit: unit(20px);
// Output: "px"

// escape
str: escape("Hello, & world");
// Output: "Hello%2C%20%26%20world"

// e
color: e(#808080);
// Output: #808080


In the above examples, we used the miscellaneous functions in Less for various purposes such as color manipulation and string manipulation. The lighten, darken, saturate, and desaturate functions are used for color manipulation. The string functions such as replace, length, unit, escape, and e are used for manipulating strings and converting values.


The miscellaneous functions in Less are very useful for various purposes such as color manipulation, string manipulation, and value conversion. These functions help simplify the code and make it more readable and maintainable.

Important Points

  • The miscellaneous functions in Less are case-insensitive.
  • The value arguments passed to the functions must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • The percentage amount used in color manipulation functions must be enclosed in parentheses.
  • The functions can be nested inside each other to achieve complex transformations.


In this tutorial, we discussed the miscellaneous functions in Less for various purposes such as color manipulation, string manipulation, and value conversion. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of the less miscellaneous functions. With this knowledge, you can now use the miscellaneous functions in Less for various purposes in your Less projects.

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