  1. less-color-blending-in-less

Color Blending in Less - (Color in Less)

Less is a popular CSS preprocessor that extends the functionality of CSS by adding new features and enhancing existing ones. One such feature is the ability to blend colors together to create new colors. In this tutorial, we will discuss the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of color blending in Less.


blend(mode, color1, color2);
  • mode: The blending mode to use. This can be any of the following: multiply, screen, overlay, softlight, hardlight, difference, exclusion, average, negation, burn, dodge, lighten, or darken.
  • color1: The first color to blend.
  • color2: The second color to blend.


Let's look at an example of how to use color blending in Less:

@color1: #FF0000;
@color2: #00FF00;

.my-element {
  background-color: blend(multiply, @color1, @color2);

In this example, we used the blend() function to multiply the colors @color1 (red) and @color2 (green) to create a new color that will be used as the background color of the .my-element class.


The output of this Less code will be CSS code that looks like this:

.my-element {
  background-color: #008000;

The resulting color from blending the red and green colors is a dark shade of green.


The blend() function in Less allows you to blend colors together using various blending modes, such as multiply, screen, overlay, softlight, and more. Each blending mode produces a different result by combining the RGB values of the input colors.

In the example above, we used the multiply blending mode to create a new color from the two base colors. The resulting color is a mix of the two colors based on the multiplication of their RGB values.


Color blending in Less is useful for creating new colors that are a mix of two or more existing colors. This feature is particularly useful for creating gradients and backgrounds that change color based on different conditions, such as user interactions or page scrolling.

Important Points

  • The blend() function in Less is a powerful tool for creating new colors from existing ones.
  • The blending mode you choose can dramatically change the resulting color.
  • You can use variables in place of hard-coded color values to make your code more flexible.
  • Keep the use of color blending in moderation to avoid overwhelming your design.


In this tutorial, we discussed how to use color blending in Less to create new colors from existing colors. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of color blending. With this knowledge, you can use Less to create complex gradients and backgrounds that change dynamically based on different conditions.

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