  1. less-introduction

Introduction to Less CSS

Less is a CSS preprocessor that extends the CSS language by adding features like variables, mixins, functions, and more. It allows you to write CSS in a more organized and efficient way.

In this tutorial, we'll cover the basics of Less, including its syntax, variables, mixins, and functions. We'll also discuss how to use Less in your web development projects.


The syntax for Less is similar to CSS, but with the addition of a few new features. Here's an example of Less syntax:

@color: #333;

body {
  color: @color;
  background-color: lighten(@color, 20%);

In this code, we're defining a variable named @color with the value #333. We're then using that variable in two places: the color property of the body element and the lighten() function for the background-color property.


Let's look at a simple example of Less in action. Here's a basic stylesheet written in Less:

@primary-color: #2196F3;
@secondary-color: #9C27B0;

.button {
  background-color: @primary-color;
  color: white;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;

.secondary-button {
  background-color: @secondary-color;

This code defines two variables: @primary-color and @secondary-color. We then use those variables to style our buttons. The .button class uses the primary color for the background and white text, while the .secondary-button class uses the secondary color for the background.


Less works by first compiling your Less code into CSS, which can then be used in your web development projects. The compiled CSS is the actual code that your browser reads and displays.

Less makes it easier to write and maintain CSS by adding features like variables, mixins, and functions. These features allow you to reuse code, reduce repetition, and organize your stylesheets more effectively.


You can use Less in your web development projects by including the Less CSS file in your HTML file and then compiling it into CSS. There are several ways to compile Less, including using a command-line tool, a build system like Grunt or Gulp, or an online compiler.

Important Points

  • Less extends the CSS language by adding variables, mixins, functions, and more.
  • Less code must be compiled into CSS before it can be used in a web development project.
  • You can use Less in conjunction with other web development tools, like Grunt or Gulp, to automate the compilation process.
  • Less can help you write and maintain CSS more efficiently and effectively.


In this tutorial, we introduced Less CSS and covered its basic syntax, variables, mixins, functions, and usage in web development projects. We also discussed the benefits of using Less for writing and maintaining CSS. With this knowledge, you can begin incorporating Less into your web development workflow and improve your CSS code organization and efficiency.

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