  1. less-import-options

Import Options - (Less Basics)

In Less, you can use the @import directive to import external files into your stylesheet. There are several import options that you can use to control how imports are processed. In this tutorial, we will discuss the import options available in Less.


The basic syntax for importing a file in Less is as follows:

@import 'path/to/file';

You can also use the url() function to import a file using a URL:

@import url('https://example.com/file.less');


Let's take a look at an example of how to use import options in Less:

@import (once, inline) 'reset.less';

In this example, we are importing a reset.less file and using two import options: once and inline. The once option prevents the file from being imported more than once, while the inline option inserts the content of the imported file directly into the current file, rather than generating a separate file.


The output of the import statement will depend on the options you choose. If you use the default options, a separate file will be generated for each imported file. However, if you use the inline option, the content of the imported file will be inserted directly into the current file.


Import options provide a way to control how imported files are processed in Less. Some of the options you can use include:

  • once: Prevents the imported file from being imported more than once.
  • multiple: Allows the imported file to be imported multiple times.
  • inline: Inserts the content of the imported file directly into the current file.


Import options can be useful in a number of scenarios, such as:

  • Preventing duplicate imports: Using the once option can be especially useful if you have multiple files with the same imports, as it will ensure that each file is only imported once.
  • Simplifying the output: Using the inline option can be useful if you want to simplify the CSS output by consolidating all of the styles into a single file.

Important Points

  • Import options can be used in conjunction with the @import directive in Less.
  • Import options allow you to control how imported files are processed.
  • Some of the options available include once, multiple, and inline.
  • Import options can be useful for preventing duplicate imports and simplifying CSS output.


In this tutorial, we discussed import options in Less. We reviewed the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of using @import with different options in Less. By using import options, you can have greater control over how imported files are processed in Less, and improve the structure and efficiency of your stylesheets.

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