  1. less

Less - (Less Tutorial)

Less is a popular preprocessor for CSS that extends the capabilities of plain CSS. It allows for variables, functions, mixins, and more to be used in the stylesheet. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of Less.


The syntax of Less is very similar to CSS, with some additional features and syntax elements. Here's the basic syntax for a Less variable:

/* syntax for a Less variable */
@variable-name: variable-value;


Here's an example of how you might use Less to define some variables that will be used throughout your CSS:

/* defining variables in Less */
@primary-color: #90ee90;
@secondary-color: #ddd;
@global-font: "Helvetica", sans-serif;

/* using variables in Less */
.selector {
  color: @primary-color;
  background-color: @secondary-color;
  font-family: @global-font;

In this example, we've defined three Less variables - @primary-color, @secondary-color, and @global-font. These variables can then be used throughout the stylesheet by referencing their names with the @ symbol.


When a Less stylesheet is compiled, the output is standard CSS. Here's the output for the previous example:

/* standard CSS output */
.selector {
  color: #90ee90;
  background-color: #ddd;
  font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif;


In this example, we first defined three Less variables - @primary-color, @secondary-color, and @global-font. These variables are assigned values using the : syntax.

We then used these variables in the .selector rule by referencing their names with the @ symbol. When the Less stylesheet is compiled, the variables will be replaced with their values in the compiled CSS output.


Less is used primarily to make CSS more powerful by adding the ability to use variables, functions, and other features. It can be used in any project that requires CSS, but is particularly useful for large projects with many stylesheets.

Important Points

  • Less allows for the use of variables, functions, mixins, and other useful features that are not available in plain CSS.
  • Less code must be compiled to standard CSS before it can be used in a web page.
  • Less can be included in a project using a separate Less compiler or via a Less plugin for CSS preprocessors like Sass or SCSS.
  • It's important to be aware of browser compatibility when using Less, as some older browsers may not support all features of the language.


In this tutorial, we've discussed Less and its syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points. Understanding Less can make CSS more powerful and help streamline the development process. With this knowledge, you can now incorporate Less into your CSS projects and start taking advantage of its features.

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