  1. less-color-operations-in-less

Color Operations in Less - (Color in Less)

In Less, you can perform various operations on colors, such as changing the hue, saturation, brightness, and opacity. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the syntax, examples, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of color operations in Less.


@newColor: operation(@color1, @color2);
  • @newColor: The new color resulting from the operation.
  • operation: The color operation to be performed, such as spin, saturate, desaturate, lighten, darken, fadein, fadeout, fade, mix, or tint.
  • @color1, @color2: The colors to be used in the operation.


Let's look at a few examples of color operations in Less:

@color1: #ff0000; /* red */
@color2: #00ff00; /* green */

.spin {
  background-color: spin(@color1, 120deg);

.saturate {
  background-color: saturate(@color1, 50%);

.lighten {
  background-color: lighten(@color1, 10%);

.fade {
  background-color: fade(@color1, 50%);

.mix {
  background-color: mix(@color1, @color2, 50%);

.tint {
  background-color: tint(@color1, 50%);

In the above example, we're using different color operations to modify the colors @color1 and @color2.


The output of the above example would be:

.spin {
  background-color: #00ff00;
.saturate {
  background-color: #ff8080;
.lighten {
  background-color: #ff1a1a;
.fade {
  background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
.mix {
  background-color: #808000;
.tint {
  background-color: #ff8080;


In the above example, we used different color operations to modify the colors @color1 and @color2. Let's explore each operation in detail:

  • spin: Changes the hue of a color. In this example, we're changing the hue of @color1 by 120 degrees and setting it as the background-color of .spin.
  • saturate: Increases the saturation of a color. In this example, we're increasing the saturation of @color1 by 50% and setting it as the background-color of .saturate.
  • lighten: Increases the brightness of a color. In this example, we're increasing the brightness of @color1 by 10% and setting it as the background-color of .lighten.
  • fade: Reduces the opacity of a color. In this example, we're reducing the opacity of @color1 to 50% and setting it as the background-color of .fade.
  • mix: Blends two colors based on a percentage. In this example, we're blending @color1 with @color2 at a percentage of 50% and setting the result as the background-color of .mix.
  • tint: Mixes a color with white to produce a lighter shade of the color. In this example, we're mixing @color1 with white at a percentage of 50% and setting the result as the background-color of .tint.


Color operations in Less can be used to modify the colors in your stylesheet and create different color schemes. They are particularly useful when working with color variables and need to adjust their properties dynamically.

Important Points

  • Color operations in Less can only be performed on @color variables.
  • Color operations can be combined to create more complex modifications.
  • Color operations modify the original color variable, so make sure to use them with caution.


In this tutorial, we discussed color operations in Less, including the syntax, examples, output, explanation, use, and important points. Using color operations in Less can help you modify your colors dynamically and create unique color schemes for your website or application.

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