  1. less-cep-selectors

CEP Selectors - (Less Parent Selectors)

CEP selectors, also known as less parent selectors, are a type of selector in CSS that allows us to select an element based on its relation to a parent element. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of CEP selectors in CSS.


parent-element: & selector {
    /* styles */
  • parent-element: The parent element that the selector is relative to.
  • & selector: The child selector that is relative to the parent element.


Let's look at an example to better understand how the CEP selector works:

.container {
  border-radius: 10px;

  & .box {
    background-color: #ccc;
    padding: 10px;

In this example, the & symbol is used to target the .box class relative to the .container class. This means that the styles defined inside the & .box {} rule will only apply to box elements that are children of .container elements.


When compiled, the output of the above example will be:

.container {
  border-radius: 10px;

.container .box {
  background-color: #ccc;
  padding: 10px;


In the example above, we define a container class with a border-radius of 10px. We then use the CEP selector to specify a child selector .box that inherits the properties of the parent selector .container.

The & symbol is used to refer to the parent selector, which in this case is .container. The & .box selector therefore targets all elements with class .box that are children of an element with the class .container.


CEP selectors can be used to keep our CSS code modular, maintainable, and concise. With the help of CEP selectors, we can write our CSS code more efficiently, without having to repeat the parent selector every time we want to define a child element.

Important Points

  • CEP selectors allow us to select a child element based on its relationship to a parent element.
  • The & symbol is used to refer to the parent element.
  • Using the & symbol with a child selector can help keep your CSS code concise and modular.


In this tutorial, we discussed CEP selectors in CSS. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of CEP selectors. With the help of CEP selectors, we can write our CSS code more efficiently and keep it modular and maintainable.

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