  1. less-merge-comma

Merge Comma - (Less Merge)

The merge function in LESS is used to merge multiple comma-separated values into a single value. In this tutorial, we'll focus on the merge comma concept in LESS, its syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary.


  • comma-separated-values: Two or more comma-separated values to merge into a single value.


@colors: red, green, blue;
@values: 1, 2, 3;

/* Merge comma-separated values */
@merged: merge(@colors, @values);

/* Output */
  background-color: @merged;

The output CSS generated would be:

p {
  background-color: red, green, blue, 1, 2, 3;


In the above example, merge() function is used to merge two lists of comma-separated values i.e @colors and @values, into a single value that is later used as a background color for the paragraph element. The resulting value contains all the comma-separated values from both lists separated by commas.


The merge comma concept in LESS can be used whenever we need to combine multiple comma-separated values into a single value. This is useful in situations where we have multiple variables containing different comma-separated values and want to merge them into a single value. We can then use this merged value in our styles to achieve the desired outcome.

Important Points

  • The merge() function can only merge comma-separated values.
  • If a list contains nested lists or maps, the merge() function will flatten them.
  • If the values being merged are of different data types (such as numbers and strings), the merged result will be a string.


In this tutorial, we covered the merge comma concept in LESS, its syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary. The merge() function is a useful way to merge multiple comma-separated values into a single value within LESS. By understanding the merge comma concept, you can combine comma-separated values from different variables into a single value and use it in your stylesheets.

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