  1. ssis-variable-scope

Variable Scope - ( SSIS Expressions and Variables )


In SSIS, variables can have either package scope or task scope.

Package Scope


Task Scope


To assign a value to a variable:

@[Namespace::PackageName]::VariableName = Value

To concatenate two variables:

@[Namespace::PackageName]::Variable1 + @[Namespace::PackageName]::Variable2

To add two variables:

@[Namespace::PackageName]::Variable1 + @[Namespace::PackageName]::Variable2


@[User::ID] = 1
@[User::Name] = "John"
@[User::FullName] = "John Doe"

"User " + (DT_WSTR, 10)@[User::ID] + " is " + @[User::Name] + ", full name : " + @[User::FullName]


User 1 is John, full name : John Doe


  • We have created three variables @[User::ID], @[User::Name], and @[User::FullName]. The first variable holds an integer, while the other two variables hold strings.
  • In the example, we are concatenating all three variables into a single string


  • Variables are used to store values that can be used throughout the SSIS package or in specific tasks.
  • They can be used to manipulate data or control the flow of the package.

Important Points

  • SSIS variables support a wide range of data types, including integers, strings, dates, floats and even objects.
  • Variables can be assigned at runtime using expressions or by using script tasks.
  • Variables can be used to enable or disable control flow tasks based on the package's outcome.


In SSIS, the scope of variables can have either package scope or task scope. Variables are used to store values that can be used throughout the package or in specific tasks. They support a wide range of data types and can be assigned at runtime using expressions or by using script tasks. Variables can be used to manipulate data or control the flow of the package.

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