  1. ssis-foreach-loop-container

Foreach Loop Container - ( SSIS Control Flow )

The Foreach Loop Container in SSIS is one of the most useful control flow components. It is used to repeat a set of tasks or operations for each and every element in a collection or enumeration. The Foreach Loop Container supports several types of enumerators, including files, ADO.NET recordsets, and ADO.NET enumerators.


The syntax for the Foreach Loop Container is as follows:

ForEach <enumerator> In <collection>
    <operations/tasks to be performed>


Here's an example of using the Foreach Loop Container to process files in a specified directory using the Foreach File Enumerator:

ForEach FileEnumeratorVariable In DirectoryPath
    <operations/tasks to process files>


The output of the Foreach Loop Container depends on the tasks or operations that are performed within the loop container.


The Foreach Loop Container is a useful control flow component in SSIS that allows developers to perform a set of tasks for each element in a collection or enumeration. The enumerator used can be any type, including ADO.NET recordsets, ADO.NET enumerators, and files.

Within the loop container, multiple tasks can be performed repeatedly for each element. These may include data flow tasks, script tasks or any other control flow task.


The Foreach Loop Container is primarily used when the same set of tasks needs to be performed for each element in a collection or enumeration. It is useful when working with large amounts of data and can automate repetitive tasks.

Important Points

  • The Foreach Loop Container supports several types of enumerators, including files, ADO.NET recordsets, and ADO.NET enumerators.
  • The enumerator used within the loop container must be compatible with the collection type.
  • The Foreach Loop Container can be used to automate repetitive tasks, which saves time and reduces errors.


The Foreach Loop Container is a powerful control flow component in SSIS that enables developers to perform a set of tasks for each element in a collection or enumeration. It is useful in automating repetitive tasks and can save time and reduce errors in processing large amounts of data.

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