  1. ssis-logging

Logging - (SSIS Logging and Auditing)


SSIS Logging and Auditing can be configured in the package or on the server level. To configure logging, follow these steps:

  1. Open the package in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and go to the SSIS menu.
  2. Select "Logging...".
  3. In the "Configure SSIS Logs" dialog box, select the Providers tab.
  4. Check the boxes for the logging providers you want to use, such as Text file, SQL Server, or Event log.
  5. Click the "Add..." button to configure specific options for each provider.
  6. Under the Details tab, select the events you want to log for each provider.
  7. Choose the appropriate logging mode for each provider: FailPackageOnFailure, IgnoreFailure, or AppendMode.


Here is an example of configuring logging for a package:


SSIS Logging Example


SSIS Logging and Auditing enables you to capture various events that occur during the execution of SSIS packages. Logging can be used for auditing, troubleshooting, and performance tuning. When you configure logging, you select the events that should be captured and the destination where the events should be written to (such as a text file or a SQL Server database).


SSIS Logging and Auditing is used to capture events that occur during the execution of SSIS packages. This information can then be used for a variety of purposes, such as troubleshooting, performance tuning, or auditing.

Important Points

  • SSIS Logging and Auditing can be configured on the package or server level.
  • Logging can be done through various providers, such as Text file, SQL Server, or Event log.
  • Logging is useful for troubleshooting, performance tuning, or auditing.


SSIS Logging and Auditing is an important feature that enables users to capture events that occur during the execution of SSIS packages. Logging can be done through a variety of providers and is useful for troubleshooting, performance tuning, or auditing purposes.

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