  1. ssis-protection-level-in-ssis

Protection Level in SSIS - ( SSIS Security )


The syntax to define the Protection Level in SSIS is as follows:

<SSIS Package Properties> -> ProtectionLevel 


<SSIS Package Properties>
</SSIS Package Properties>


The output of the Protection Level in SSIS is a secure and protected SSIS package that can be deployed and executed safely.


Protection Level in SSIS is a security feature that helps in protecting the sensitive information contained within an SSIS package. It defines the level of protection that is applied to the sensitive data of an SSIS package. There are five protection levels available in SSIS:

  • Don't Save Sensitive: This is the default protection level used by SSIS when no other protection level is set. It doesn’t save any sensitive information.
  • EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey: This protection level encrypts the sensitive data using the user’s security profile.
  • EncryptSensitiveWithPassword: This protection level encrypts the sensitive data using a user-provided password. The password needs to be entered every time the SSIS package is executed.
  • EncryptAllWithUserKey: This protection level encrypts all package data, including the package’s metadata. It uses the user’s security profile for encryption.
  • EncryptAllWithPassword: This protection level encrypts all package data using a user-provided password. The password needs to be entered every time the SSIS package is executed.


Protection Level in SSIS is used to secure and protect the sensitive data that is contained within an SSIS package. This data can include passwords, connection strings, and other confidential information. By using different protection levels, the sensitive data can be encrypted and secured, allowing only authorized users to access it.

Important Points

  • The Protection Level in SSIS should be set according to the security requirements of the organization.
  • When using protection levels that require a password, it is important to keep the password safe and secure.
  • The Protection Level in SSIS can be changed at any time, but doing so may impact the execution of the SSIS package.


Protection Level in SSIS is a security feature that helps in protecting the sensitive information contained within an SSIS package. There are five protection levels available in SSIS, each offering varying levels of protection and encryption. By using protection levels, the sensitive data within an SSIS package can be secured and accessed only by authorized users.

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