  1. ssis-configurations-and-package-parameters

SSIS: Configurations and Package Parameters


This tutorial covers the concepts of configurations and package parameters in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Configurations and parameters allow you to make your SSIS packages more dynamic and adaptable to different environments and scenarios.

Configurations in SSIS


Configurations in SSIS involve specifying external configurations that control the behavior of SSIS packages. Configurations can be stored in various locations such as XML files, environment variables, SQL Server tables, or registry entries.


  1. Open your SSIS package in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).
  2. Go to the "SSIS" menu, select "Package Configurations."
  3. Add a new configuration, choose the configuration type (e.g., XML configuration file), and configure the properties.


The output is a dynamically configurable SSIS package that can adapt to different environments based on the specified configurations.


  • Externalizing Configurations: Configurations allow you to externalize settings such as connection strings, file paths, and server names from the SSIS package.
  • Configuration Types: SSIS supports various configuration types, enabling flexibility in how and where configuration values are stored.

Package Parameters in SSIS


Package parameters in SSIS allow you to create user-defined variables that can be used within the package. Parameters provide a way to make packages more flexible and dynamic.


  1. Open your SSIS package in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT).
  2. Open the "SSIS" menu, select "Variables."
  3. Add a new variable, choose the data type, and set the value.


The output is a package with user-defined parameters that can be used to control the behavior of the SSIS package at runtime.


  • User-Defined Variables: Package parameters are user-defined variables that can be used to store values dynamically.
  • Data Types: Parameters support various data types, including integers, strings, dates, and more.


  • Environment Adaptability: Use configurations and parameters to make your SSIS packages adaptable to different environments (development, testing, production).
  • Dynamic Configurations: Enable dynamic changes to package behavior based on runtime conditions.
  • Centralized Management: Centralize the management of configurations and parameters for better control and monitoring.

Important Points

  1. Security Considerations: Be mindful of sensitive information stored in configurations, and use appropriate security measures.
  2. Version Control: Consider version control for configuration files to track changes over time.
  3. Best Practices: Follow SSIS best practices for managing configurations and parameters in larger-scale projects.


Configurations and package parameters are powerful features in SSIS, providing the flexibility to adapt packages to various environments and runtime conditions. By externalizing configurations and using user-defined parameters, you can create more dynamic and manageable SSIS solutions.

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