  1. ssis-excel-source-adapters

Excel Source Adapters - ( SSIS Data Flow )


The syntax for using Excel Source Adapters in SSIS Data Flow is as follows:

1. Open SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and create a new Integration Services project.
2. In the SSIS Toolbox, drag and drop the Excel Source Adapter onto the Data Flow canvas.
3. Double-click the Excel Source Adapter to configure it.
4. In the Excel Source Adapter Editor dialog box, specify the Excel file location and worksheet name.
5. Map the source columns to the destination columns in the destination table.
6. Save and close the Excel Source Adapter Editor.
7. Drag and drop a destination adapter onto the canvas and configure it.
8. Connect the Excel Source Adapter to the destination adapter.
9. Save and run the SSIS package.


Here is an example of how to use the Excel Source Adapter in SSIS Data Flow:

1. Open SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) and create a new Integration Services project.
2. Drag and drop the Excel Source Adapter from the SSIS Toolbox onto the Data Flow canvas.
3. Double-click the Excel Source Adapter to configure it.
4. In the Excel Source Adapter Editor dialog box, specify the Excel file location and worksheet name.
5. Map the source columns to the destination columns in the destination table.
6. Save and close the Excel Source Adapter Editor.
7. Drag and drop a destination adapter onto the canvas and configure it.
8. Connect the Excel Source Adapter to the destination adapter.
9. Save and run the SSIS package.


The output of the Excel Source Adapter in SSIS Data Flow is a dataset containing the data from the specified Excel file and worksheet. This data can then be mapped to a destination adapter and loaded into a destination table or file.


The Excel Source Adapter in SSIS Data Flow allows you to extract data from Excel files and worksheets and load it into a destination table or file. It provides a graphical interface for configuring the source adapter and mapping the source data to the destination data.


The Excel Source Adapter is commonly used in situations where data needs to be extracted from Excel files and loaded into a database or other destination. It can be particularly helpful in scenarios where data is received from external sources, such as vendors or partners, and needs to be transformed and loaded into an internal system.

Important Points

  • The Excel Source Adapter requires the Microsoft Access Database Engine to be installed on the SSIS server or developer workstation.
  • The Excel Source Adapter supports both .xls and .xlsx Excel file formats.
  • The Excel Source Adapter supports reading Excel files from both local and remote file locations.


The Excel Source Adapter in SSIS Data Flow provides a graphical interface for extracting data from Excel files and loading it into a destination table or file. It is useful in scenarios where data needs to be extracted from external sources and transformed and loaded into an internal system. The Excel Source Adapter requires the Microsoft Access Database Engine to be installed on the SSIS server or developer workstation and supports both .xls and .xlsx Excel file formats.

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