  1. ssis-parallel-processing

Parallel Processing - ( SSIS Performance Tuning )


Parallel processing in SSIS is achieved by setting the MaxConcurrentExecutables property, which controls how many packages can run concurrently, and the MaxConcurrentExecutablePerCPU property, which controls how many instances of each package can run concurrently on each CPU.


  <Property Name="MaxConcurrentExecutables">4</Property>
  <Property Name="MaxConcurrentExecutablesPerCPU">2</Property>


Parallel processing is a performance tuning technique that allows multiple tasks to execute simultaneously, improving overall throughput and reducing processing time. In SSIS, this is achieved by setting properties that control how many packages can run concurrently and how many instances of each package can run concurrently on each CPU. By optimizing these properties, you can ensure that your SSIS packages run as efficiently as possible.


Parallel processing is particularly useful when dealing with large volumes of data that need to be processed quickly. By executing multiple tasks concurrently, you can significantly improve processing speeds and reduce the amount of time it takes to complete a job. Parallel processing can be used in a variety of scenarios, including data extraction, transformation and loading (ETL), data warehousing, and data analytics.

Important Points

  • Parallel processing should only be used when there are sufficient resources available to support multiple concurrent tasks.
  • The MaxConcurrentExecutables and MaxConcurrentExecutablePerCPU properties should be set based on the available hardware resources and the workload requirements.
  • Parallel processing should be tested thoroughly to ensure that it does not cause any unexpected issues or performance degradation.
  • The number of concurrent tasks should be monitored regularly to ensure that it is optimized for maximum performance.


Parallel processing is an important performance tuning technique in SSIS that allows multiple tasks to execute concurrently, improving overall throughput and reducing processing time. By setting properties that control concurrency levels, you can ensure that your SSIS packages run as efficiently as possible, improving the speed and accuracy of your data processing and analysis. However, care should be taken to monitor and optimize the number of concurrent tasks to avoid any unexpected issues or performance degradation.

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