  1. selenium-webdriver-installation

WebDriver Installation


Selenium WebDriver is an open-source and easy-to-use software testing tool. It is used to automate web applications for testing purposes. WebDriver supports various programming languages including Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. This guide explains how to install the WebDriver in your machine.


  1. Go to the official website of Selenium WebDriver -

  2. Click on 'Download' button under 'WebDriver' section.

  3. Select a version suitable for your operating system.

  4. After download, extract the archive and save it in a desired location on your system.

  5. Install programming language-specific bindings such as selenium bindings for Python by running command pip install selenium.


After installation, set the path of geckodriver (if using Firefox) or chromedriver (if using Chrome) in your system's environment variables.

Important Points

  1. Download the WebDriver version that is suitable for your browser version.
  2. It is recommended to use latest stable version of WebDriver because it contains all the bug fixes and new features.
  3. Add WebDriver path to your PATH environment variable.


This article explains how to install and set up the Selenium WebDriver tool for your system. Following these simple steps will enable you to get started quickly with browser automation testing using WebDriver.

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