  1. selenium-creating-test-cases

Creating Test Cases - (Selenium IDE)

Selenium IDE is an integrated development environment for building Selenium test cases. It is a Firefox browser plugin and provides an easy-to-use interface for recording and playing back tests.


To create a test case using Selenium IDE, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Launch Selenium IDE
  2. Click on Record a new Test Case button to create a new test case
  3. Select the appropriate test environment
  4. Start recording by clicking on Record button
  5. Perform the steps on the web page that you want to test
  6. Stop recording by clicking on Stop recording button
  7. Save the test case by clicking on File > Save As button


To create a test case to verify the login functionality of a web application, you can follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Launch Selenium IDE
  2. Click on Record a new Test Case button
  3. Select the test environment (Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
  4. Start recording by clicking on Record button
  5. Navigate to the login page
  6. Enter valid login credentials
  7. Click on the Login button
  8. Verify that the login was successful by checking that the user is redirected to the home page
  9. Stop recording by clicking on Stop recording button
  10. Save the test case by clicking on File > Save As button


When you run the test case created using Selenium IDE, it will perform the steps recorded during the test case creation process. The output of the test case can be viewed in the Selenium IDE logs and Test results window.


Selenium IDE allows you to create test cases without writing any code. It records the actions performed on the web page and generates the test case code in various programming languages such as Java, Python, etc. You can edit the generated code to add assertions, loops, and conditions to make the test case more robust.


Selenium IDE is useful for creating quick and simple test cases for web applications. It can be used by manual testers who have little or no knowledge of programming. It can also be used for regression testing, smoke testing, and sanity testing.

Important Points

  • Selenium IDE is only available for Firefox browser.
  • It can only be used for testing web applications.
  • Selenium IDE test cases can be exported to different programming languages.
  • Selenium IDE can be used to create test cases for single-page applications and dynamic web applications.


Selenium IDE is an easy-to-use tool for creating test cases without writing any code. It is useful for manual testers who need to create quick and simple test cases for web applications. Selenium IDE test cases can be exported to different programming languages.

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