  1. selenium-login-test

Login Test - Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is an open-source testing tool used to automate web application testing. In this tutorial, we will learn how to perform a login test using Selenium IDE.


Given below is the syntax for performing a login test using Selenium IDE:

  1. Open the URL of the website to be tested.
  2. Click on the login button to navigate to the login page.
  3. Enter the username in the username field.
  4. Enter the password in the password field.
  5. Click on the login button to login to the web application.
  6. Verify if the user is successfully logged in by validating the page title.


Given below is an example of how login test can be performed using Selenium IDE:

  1. Open the URL of the website to be tested:
Command: open
  1. Click on the login button to navigate to the login page:
Command: click
Target: id=login_button
  1. Enter the username in the username field:
Command: type
Target: id=username
Value: testuser
  1. Enter the password in the password field:
Command: type
Target: id=password
Value: testpassword
  1. Click on the login button to login to the web application:
Command: click
Target: id=login
  1. Verify if the user is successfully logged in by validating the page title:
Command: verifyTitle
Target: Welcome to


Once the execution of the test script is completed, Selenium IDE will generate a detailed report of the test results. The report will contain information about the pass/fail status of each command in the test script.


In the above example, we have performed a login test using Selenium IDE. We first opened the URL of the website to be tested. Then, we clicked on the login button to navigate to the login page. After that, we entered the username and password in the respective fields. Next, we clicked on the login button to login to the web application. Finally, we verified if the user is successfully logged in by validating the page title.


Login tests are an essential part of web application testing. Selenium IDE can be used to create automated test cases for login functionality. This helps in saving time and effort in performing repetitive tests.

Important Points

  1. Ensure that the elements such as username field, password field, and login button are correctly identified using their attributes such as id or name.
  2. The expected page title should be mentioned in the verifyTitle command to verify if the user is successfully logged in.
  3. Selenium IDE supports features such as recording and playback of test scripts, making it easier to create and execute test cases.


In this tutorial, we learned how to perform a login test using Selenium IDE. We discussed the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of login test using Selenium IDE. Login tests are crucial for web application testing, and Selenium IDE can be an effective tool to automate login tests.

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