  1. selenium-running-tests-on-different-browsers

Running Tests on Different Browsers - ( Selenium WebDriver )

Selenium WebDriver is a tool that allows you to automate web browsers across many platforms. One of the main benefits of using the WebDriver is the ability to test web applications across multiple browsers. In this tutorial, we will take a look at how to run Selenium tests on different browsers.


from selenium import webdriver

# Firefox
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

# Chrome
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Edge
driver = webdriver.Edge()

# Safari
driver = webdriver.Safari()


Let's assume we have written a Selenium script to automate a web application. We can run this script on different browsers by using the following code:

# Import the webdriver module
from selenium import webdriver

# Firefox
driver = webdriver.Firefox()

# Chrome
driver = webdriver.Chrome()

# Edge
driver = webdriver.Edge()

# Safari
driver = webdriver.Safari()


The output of the test will vary depending on the browser on which the tests are running. However, the tests should pass or fail depending on whether or not the website looks and functions as expected.


Every web browser has its own set of executables and libraries that it uses to render web pages. Selenium WebDriver uses these browser-specific executables and libraries to control the web browser. This means that we can use Selenium WebDriver to automate tests on any web browser that has a WebDriver implementation.


The ability to run Selenium tests on different browsers is essential when testing a web application. While a web application might work perfectly well on one browser, there's no guarantee that it will work the same way on all browsers.

By running Selenium tests on different browsers, we can identify any browser-specific issues, allowing us to develop a web application that is truly cross-browser compatible.

Important Points

  • Every web browser has its own WebDriver implementation that must be installed and configured before Selenium can run tests on it.
  • When a new version of a web browser is released, its corresponding WebDriver implementation must also be updated.
  • Different browsers have different behaviors and quirks. It's important to test a web application on as many browsers as possible to ensure cross-browser compatibility.


In this tutorial, we learned how to run Selenium tests on different browsers. We covered the syntax for using the various WebDriver implementations, as well as the importance of testing web applications on as many browsers as possible to ensure cross-browser compatibility. By using Selenium WebDriver to test our web applications on different browsers, we can identify any browser-specific issues, allowing us to deliver a better user experience.

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