  1. selenium-features

Features - Selenium

Selenium is a powerful and popular open-source framework for testing web applications. Selenium allows users to automate browser actions and interactions with web elements, as well as manipulate DOM elements, simulate user input, and accomplish many other testing tasks. In this section we will explore some of the key features of Selenium.


from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()


from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

search_box = driver.find_element_by_name('q')

assert 'Selenium' in driver.title



When you run the above example code, it will open Google in a Chrome browser window, search for 'Selenium', and then assert that the word 'Selenium' appears in the page title. After that, the browser window will close.


Selenium provides a number of useful features for testing web applications. The example code above shows some of the most commonly used features:

  • Webdriver: This is the central object that controls the browser. In the example, we create a new Chrome webdriver.
  • get(): This method tells the driver to load a webpage. In our example, we load
  • find_element_by_name(): This method is used to locate an element by its name attribute. In our example, we locate the search box input element by its name "q".
  • send_keys(): This method simulates user input by sending key presses to the input element. In our example, we enter the search term 'Selenium' into the search box.
  • submit(): This method submits the form corresponding to the input element. In our example, it sends the search request to the Google search engine.
  • assert: This method verifies that the expected text is present in the page title. In our example, we check that the word 'Selenium' is present in the page title.


Selenium can be used to automate many kinds of testing tasks, such as:

  • Regression testing.
  • Functional testing.
  • Acceptance testing.
  • Unit testing.

Selenium allows you to accomplish these tasks quickly and efficiently, with the ability to run tests on multiple browsers and operating systems.

Important Points

  • Selenium is an open-source framework used for testing web applications.
  • It allows you to automate browser actions and interact with web elements.
  • You can manipulate DOM elements, simulate user input and perform other testing tasks.
  • Selenium is widely used for regression testing, functional testing, acceptance testing, and unit testing.


Selenium is a powerful and easy-to-use framework for testing web applications. It provides many useful features for automating browser interactions and testing tasks. Selenium is open-source and supports multiple programming languages, browsers, and operating systems, making it a versatile and widely-used tool for testing web applications.

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