  1. redis-transaction

Transaction - (Redis Commands)

Redis is an in-memory data store that supports a wide range of data structures and provides a number of features for managing data. One of these features is transactions, which allows multiple Redis commands to be executed as a single atomic operation. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of transactions in Redis.


  • MULTI: Starts a new transaction.
  • command1, command2, ..., commandN: Redis commands to be executed as part of the transaction.
  • EXEC: Executes all the commands in the transaction as a single atomic operation.


Let's take a look at an example of using transactions in Redis. Suppose we have a users hash that contains user information, and we want to update the email addresses of two users as part of a transaction.

HSET users:1 email
HSET users:2 email

In this example, we start a new transaction using the MULTI command. We then execute two HSET commands to update the email addresses of two users. Finally, we execute all of the commands as a single atomic operation using the EXEC command.


A Redis transaction is a sequence of commands that are executed as a single atomic operation. Redis transactions are designed to be fast and efficient, and they can help to reduce network round-trips and decrease the possibility of race conditions in a concurrent environment.

When you start a transaction using the MULTI command, Redis enters a transactional state where it buffers all the commands that follow until the EXEC command is executed. Redis does not actually execute the commands until EXEC is called, at which point it checks that the transaction has not failed, and then it executes all the commands in the transaction as a single atomic operation.


Redis transactions can be useful in a variety of situations, including:

  • Updating multiple keys atomically
  • Implementing optimistic locking
  • Reducing network overhead by reducing the number of round-trips to Redis
  • Ensuring consistency in a concurrent environment

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using transactions in Redis:

  • Redis transactions are atomic, which means they are either executed in their entirety or not at all.
  • Redis transactions run sequentially, which means that other clients may execute commands in between command sequences within a transaction.
  • Redis transactions do not provide full isolation, which means that other clients may be able to read intermediate states of a transaction.


In this tutorial, we discussed transactions in Redis, which allow multiple Redis commands to be executed as a single atomic operation. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of transactions in Redis. With this knowledge, you can start using Redis transactions in your Redis applications to ensure atomicity, consistency, and isolation in your critical Redis-related operations.

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