  1. redis-scripting

Scripting - (Redis Commands)

Redis is a powerful in-memory data store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis also provides powerful scripting support with the Lua scripting language. In this tutorial, we'll cover Redis scripting commands and how to use them.


Redis scripting commands generally have the following syntax:

EVAL script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...]
  • script: The Lua script to execute.
  • numkeys: The number of keys that the script will access.
  • key [key ...]: The keys that the script will access.
  • arg [arg ...]: Any additional arguments that the script needs.


Here's an example of a simple Redis script that increments a counter:

EVAL "return'incr', KEYS[1])" 1 counter

In this example, the script increments a counter stored in the Redis key counter. The 1 argument specifies that the script will access one key, and the next argument counter specifies the name of the key.


When the script is executed, Redis will return the result of the script execution. In the case of the example above, the output would be the new value of the counter.


Redis scripting provides a way to execute complex operations on Redis data with a single Lua script. The script is stored in Redis and can be executed with the EVAL command.

The eval command takes the script as its first argument, followed by the number of keys that the script will access, the keys that the script will use, and any additional arguments that the script needs.

Within the Lua script, Redis provides various functions that allow you to access Redis data and perform operations on it. The function can be used to call Redis commands within the script.


Redis scripting is useful when you need to perform operations on Redis data that can't be done with standard Redis commands. For example, you might need to perform complex aggregations or calculations on Redis data.

Additionally, Redis scripts can be used to atomically execute multiple Redis commands. This is useful when you need to ensure that a group of Redis commands execute together without interference from other clients.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using Redis scripting:

  • Redis scripting is powerful but should be used sparingly since Lua scripts will block the Redis event loop while they're executing.
  • Redis scripts should be designed to be atomic and idempotent.
  • Redis scripts should be well-tested since bugs in a script can cause data corruption or other issues.


Redis scripting provides a powerful way to execute custom operations on Redis data with the Lua scripting language. In this tutorial, we covered Redis scripting commands and syntax, provided examples of Redis scripts, explained the output and explanation of Redis scripting, discussed its use cases, and highlighted some important points to keep in mind when using Redis scripting. By understanding Redis scripting, you can unlock the full potential of Redis for your application.

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