  1. redis-sets

Sets - (Redis Commands)

Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store that supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the "Sets" data structure in Redis and its associated commands.


  • Create a set:

    SADD key member1 [member2 ...]
  • Delete a set:

    DEL key
  • Check if a member exists in a set:

    SISMEMBER key member
  • Get all members of a set:

    SMEMBERS key
  • Get the number of members in a set:

    SCARD key


Let's say we want to create a set of colors. We can do this using the SADD command:

SADD colors red green blue

To check if the color "red" is a member of the set, we can use the SISMEMBER command:

SISMEMBER colors red

The output would be 1 since "red" is a member of the set.

To get a list of all the members in the set, we can use the SMEMBERS command:


The output would be a list of all the colors in the set:

1) "red"
2) "green"
3) "blue"


A set is an unordered collection of unique strings in Redis. Sets are primarily used to perform operations such as unions, intersections, and differences on sets of items.

The SADD command is used to add one or more members to a set. The DEL command is used to delete a set. The SISMEMBER command is used to check if a member exists in a set. The SMEMBERS command is used to get a list of all members in a set. The SCARD command is used to get the number of members in a set.


Sets are useful in scenarios where data needs to be organized and manipulated as a group. For example, sets can be used to store a list of users who have liked a post on a social media platform. Sets can also be used to store a list of items that a user has added to their cart on an e-commerce website.

Important Points

  • Sets in Redis are unordered collections of unique strings.
  • Sets can be used to perform operations such as unions, intersections, and differences on sets of items.
  • Redis provides several commands related to sets that can be used to manipulate set data.
  • Sets can be used in various scenarios, including social media platforms, e-commerce websites, and more.


In this tutorial, we discussed the "Sets" data structure in Redis and its associated commands. We covered the syntax, example, explanation, use, and important points related to sets. With this knowledge, you can start using sets in Redis to organize and manipulate data as a group.

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