  1. redis-commands

Commands - (Redis Commands)

Redis is an in-memory data store that is widely used as a database, cache, and message broker. In this tutorial, we will discuss some of the most commonly used Redis commands. We will cover the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of Redis commands.


The syntax for Redis commands varies depending on the command. Here are some examples of Redis commands:

SET key value
GET key
INCR key
EXPIRE key seconds
DEL key [key ...]


Let's look at some examples of Redis commands:

set message "Hello, Redis!"
get message
incr counter
expire message 10
del counter

In this example, we set a message with the key message to the value "Hello, Redis!". We then get the value of the message key. Next, we increment a counter with the key counter. We set the message key to expire in 10 seconds. Finally, we delete the counter key.


The output of Redis commands varies depending on the command. Here are some examples of Redis command outputs:

"Hello, Redis!"
(integer) 1

In this example, the set command returns OK to indicate that the value was set successfully. The get command returns the value of the message key. The incr command returns the incremented value of the counter key. The expire command returns 1 to indicate that the key was set to expire. The del command returns an integer indicating the number of keys that were deleted.


Redis commands are used to interact with Redis keys and perform various operations on them, such as setting, getting, incrementing, expiring, and deleting keys.

In the example above, we used the set command to set a message with the key message to the value "Hello, Redis!". We then used the get command to get the value of the message key. Next, we used the incr command to increment a counter with the key counter. We used the expire command to set the message key to expire in 10 seconds. Finally, we used the del command to delete the counter key.


Redis commands are used to interact with Redis keys and perform various operations on them. This makes Redis a powerful tool for caching data, storing temporary data, and building real-time applications that require high performance.

Important Points

  • Redis commands are used to interact with Redis keys and perform various operations on them.
  • Redis is widely used as a database, cache, and message broker.
  • Redis commands are fast and scalable, making Redis a popular choice for building high-performance real-time applications.


In conclusion, Redis commands are used to interact with Redis keys and perform various operations on them. Redis is widely used as a database, cache, and message broker, and Redis commands are fast and scalable, making Redis a popular choice for building high-performance real-time applications. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of Redis commands. With this knowledge, you can start using Redis to build powerful and scalable applications.

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