  1. redis-keys

Keys - (Redis Commands)

Redis is an in-memory data structure store that is commonly used as a database, cache, and message broker. In this tutorial, we will dive into the keys command - a Redis command that is used to get all the keys matching a specific pattern. We will cover the syntax, examples, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of the keys command in Redis.


The syntax for the keys command is as follows:

KEYS pattern
  • pattern: A pattern to match keys against.


Here are some examples of using the keys command in Redis:

redis> SET mykey "Hello World"

redis> SET myotherkey "Goodbye"

redis> KEYS *
1) "mykey"
2) "myotherkey"

redis> KEYS m??
1) "mykey"

In this example, we first set two keys to values using the SET command. We then issue two KEYS commands - one to return all keys in the database, and one to return all keys matching the pattern "m??" (which will only match the "mykey" key).


The output of the keys command is a list of all keys that match the specified pattern.


The keys command in Redis returns all keys that match a given pattern. The pattern can include the * character to match any number of characters, or the ? character to match a single character.

Note that the keys command can potentially take a long time to run if there are many keys in the database. For this reason, it is generally not recommended to use the keys command in production environments.


The keys command is used to get a list of all keys matching a specified pattern. This can be useful for debugging or monitoring purposes, but should not be used in production environments due to the potential performance impact.

Important Points

  • The keys command returns a list of all keys that match a specified pattern.
  • The * character can be used to match any number of characters, and the ? character can be used to match a single character.
  • The keys command can potentially take a long time to run if there are many keys in the database.


The keys command in Redis is a powerful tool that allows you to get a list of all keys matching a specified pattern. We covered the syntax, examples, output, explanation, use, and important points of the keys command in Redis. With this knowledge, you can now use the keys command to retrieve keys from your Redis database that match a specific pattern. However, it is important to use this command with caution, as it can have a significant performance impact on your Redis instance.

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