  1. redis-strings

Strings in Redis - (Redis Commands)

Redis is a popular in-memory data store that is used in many applications and systems. One of its data structures is the string, which is essentially a sequence of bytes. In this tutorial, we will discuss the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, important points, and summary of working with strings in Redis.


SET key value [EX seconds] [PX milliseconds] [NX|XX]
GET key
  • SET: The Redis command used to set the value of a key.
  • GET: The Redis command used to get the value of a key.
  • key: The string key in Redis.
  • value: The value to set the key to.
  • EX seconds (Optional): Set the key to expire after seconds.
  • PX milliseconds (Optional): Set the key to expire after milliseconds.
  • NX|XX (Optional): Only set the key if it does not exist (NX), or set it only if it already exists (XX).


Let's look at an example of how to set and get a string value in Redis:

SET mykey "Hello World"
GET mykey

In this example, we first use the SET command to set the value of the key mykey to the string "Hello World". We then use the GET command to retrieve the value of mykey, which should output "Hello World".


The output of the GET command in the example above should be:

"Hello World"


Strings are one of the five data types supported by Redis, along with hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Strings in Redis can be up to 512 MB in size, allowing you to store a wide range of data in Redis.

In the example above, we used the SET command to set the value of the key mykey to the string "Hello World". We then used the GET command to retrieve the value of mykey, which returned the string "Hello World".


Strings in Redis can be used to store a wide range of data, including user sessions, cache data, counters, and more. They can also be used to perform operations on the stored data, such as incrementing or decrementing a counter.

Important Points

  • Strings in Redis can be up to 512 MB in size.
  • The SET command can be used to set the value of a string key in Redis.
  • The GET command can be used to retrieve the value of a string key in Redis.
  • Strings in Redis can be used to store a wide range of data, including user sessions, cache data, counters, and more.


In this tutorial, we discussed the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points of working with strings in Redis. We covered how to set and get the value of a string key in Redis, as well as how strings in Redis can be used to store a wide range of data. With this knowledge, you can now use strings in Redis to store and manipulate data in your applications and systems.

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