  1. redis-connection

Connection - (Redis Commands)

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store. One of the core operations that can be performed with Redis is connecting to the server. In this tutorial, we'll discuss the various connection commands available in Redis that can be used to establish, end, or manage connections.


Here are some of the common connection commands in Redis, along with their syntax:

Connecting to Redis

redis-cli [-h host] [-p port] [-a password]

This command is used to connect to a Redis server with specific host, port, and password parameters.

Exiting Redis


This command is used to exit from Redis.

Pinging Redis


This command is used to check if the Redis server is alive and responsive.

Authenticating Redis

AUTH password

This command is used to authenticate and connect to a Redis server that requires a password.


Here are some examples of how to use the connection commands in Redis:

Connect to Redis

redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a mypassword

This command connects to a Redis server running on localhost ( and port 6379 with a password of "mypassword".

Exit Redis


This command exits from the Redis server.

Ping Redis


This command sends a ping to the Redis server and returns a response of "PONG" if the server is alive and responsive.

Authenticate Redis

AUTH mypassword

This command authenticates and connects to a Redis server with a password of "mypassword".


Connecting to a Redis server is an essential step when working with Redis, and there are various commands available to establish, end, or manage connections. The connection commands in Redis provide various options to connect to a specific host, port, and password parameters.


The connection commands in Redis are used to establish, end, or manage connections to a Redis server. This can be useful when running Redis in a distributed environment with multiple servers, or when managing Redis instances from the command line.

Important Points

Here are some important points to keep in mind when using the connection commands in Redis:

  • The host and port parameters are optional in the redis-cli command and default to and 6379 respectively.
  • The -a parameter in the redis-cli command is used to specify a password to authenticate and connect to a Redis server that requires a password.
  • The QUIT command is used to exit from Redis. After exiting, further Redis commands will not be accepted until a new connection is established.
  • The PING command sends a ping to the Redis server to check if it is alive and responsive.


In this tutorial, we discussed the various connection commands in Redis that can be used to establish, end, or manage connections. We covered the syntax, examples, explanation, use, and important points of the connection commands in Redis. With this knowledge, you can now connect to a Redis server, exit the server, ping the server, or authenticate and connect to a Redis server that requires a password.

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