  1. openpyxl-using-built-in-excel-functions

Using Built-in Excel Functions - Formulas and Functions

Excel functions are pre-built formulas that can be used to perform various mathematical, statistical, and logical operations in spreadsheets. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use built-in Excel functions.

Getting Started with Excel Functions


Syntax for Excel functions follows a specific pattern, which includes the function name, the input or argument, and any additional parameters. Here's an example of the syntax for the SUM function:



Let's illustrate the use of the SUM function as an example. Suppose we have a spreadsheet containing sales data for different products. To calculate the total sales for a particular quarter, we can use the SUM function as follows:


This formula will add up the values in cells B2 through B10 and return the total sales for the quarter.


The output of a function is the result of the operation performed by the function. For the SUM function example above, the output would be the total sales for the quarter.


Excel functions are used to simplify and streamline spreadsheet calculations. They can perform a wide variety of mathematical, statistical, and logical operations on data. Functions can be used to find the sum, average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, and other calculations.


Excel functions are used to perform complex calculations in spreadsheets quickly and accurately. They can be very helpful in data analysis, financial modeling, and other applications where large amounts of data need to be processed.

Important Points

  • Excel functions are pre-built formulas that can be used to perform calculations in spreadsheets.
  • Functions and formulas are different in Excel. Formulas always begin with an equal sign (=) and consist of one or more functions and arguments.
  • Excel functions can save time and improve spreadsheet accuracy.


In this tutorial, we learned about Excel functions and how to use them. We covered the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points related to using built-in Excel functions. By using Excel functions, we can perform complex calculations in spreadsheets quickly and accurately, saving time and improving accuracy.

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