  1. openpyxl-saving-and-closing-workbooks

Saving and Closing Workbooks - ( Working with Excel Files )

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# Saving a workbook'my_workbook.xlsx')

# Closing a workbook


import openpyxl

# Open an existing workbook
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('my_workbook.xlsx')

# Get the active worksheet
worksheet =

# Write data to the worksheet
worksheet['A1'] = 'Hello'
worksheet['B1'] = 'World'

# Save and close the workbook'my_workbook.xlsx')


The my_workbook.xlsx file will be created and saved with the data written to the worksheet.


Working with Excel files involves creating, opening, and modifying workbooks and their worksheets. Once the data has been written to the workbook, it must be saved and closed to ensure that the changes are persisted.

In the above example, we open an existing workbook using the openpyxl library, get the active worksheet, write some data to the worksheet, and then save and close the workbook to ensure the changes are persisted.


Saving and closing workbooks is an essential part of working with Excel files. It ensures that any changes made to the workbook are persisted and that the file is properly closed.

Important Points

  • Saving and closing workbooks is an essential part of working with Excel files
  • The openpyxl library provides functions for saving and closing workbooks
  • Saving a workbook involves calling the save() method on the workbook object
  • Closing a workbook involves calling the close() method on the workbook object


In conclusion, saving and closing workbooks is an important aspect of working with Excel files. The openpyxl library provides functions for saving and closing workbooks that ensure any changes made to the workbook are persisted and that the file is properly closed.

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