  1. openpyxl-exporting-excel-files-to-pdf

Exporting Excel Files to PDF - Exporting and Saving Excel Files

Exporting an Excel file to PDF format can be essential to ensure that your data is preserved in the desired format in a more shareable and printable form. In this tutorial, we will show you how to export and save Excel files in PDF format.

Getting Started with Exporting Excel Files to PDF


The following code explains how to export and save an Excel file to PDF in Python:

from win32com.client import DispatchEx

excel_app = DispatchEx("Excel.Application")

workbook = excel_app.Workbooks.Open("input_file.xlsx")
worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(1)

pdf_path = "output_file.pdf"

worksheet.ExportAsFixedFormat(0, pdf_path)



Let's take an example where we have an Excel file named "input_file.xlsx" with some sample data that needs to be exported and saved in PDF format. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Open Python and import the necessary modules
  • Open the Excel file using the win32com package
  • Select the worksheet that needs to be exported and saved as a PDF
  • Provide the location of the output file
  • Export the selected worksheet to PDF format
  • Close the workbook and Quit the application when done.


The output of the code is a PDF file named "output_file.pdf" in the desired location that contains the converted data.


Exporting Excel files to PDF format ensures that the output can be saved as a read-only document, and data is preserved in a shareable and printable format. Python handles the conversion by using the "ExportAsFixedFormat" method that exports the entire worksheet to the PDF format.


Exporting Excel files to PDF format can be essential for creating reports that can be shared with others that do not have access to the original Excel file.

Important Points

  • Exporting Excel files to PDF format helps preserve the data in a more shareable and printable format.
  • Python provides support for exporting and saving Excel files to PDF format using the pywin32 package.
  • Excel files exported to PDF format do not need any Excel software to view the data, making it easier to share.


In this tutorial, we learned about exporting Excel files to PDF format, its syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points. Excel files exported to PDF format are crucial in creating reports that can be shared and printed. Python provides support for exporting Excel files to PDF using the pywin32 package, making it easier to export and save Excel files in PDF format.

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