  1. openpyxl-reading-data-from-cells

Reading Data from Cells - ( Working with Excel Files )

Heading h2


import openpyxl

# Load workbook
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')

# Select sheet
sheet = workbook['Sheet1']

# Read data from cell
value = sheet['A1'].value


import openpyxl

# Load workbook
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')

# Select sheet
sheet = workbook['Sheet1']

# Read data from cell
value = sheet['A1'].value

# Print the value


The output will be the value of the cell 'A1' in the 'Sheet1' of the 'example.xlsx' workbook.


OpenPyXL is a Python library that allows us to manipulate Excel files. It provides various tools and methods for reading and writing data to Excel files. To read data from a specific cell, we first need to load the workbook using the openpyxl.load_workbook() method. We can then select the sheet on which the cell is located and read the value of the cell using the square bracket notation.

In the above example, we load the Excel file 'example.xlsx', select the sheet 'Sheet1' and read the value of cell 'A1'. We then print the value of the cell to the console.


Working with Excel files is a common practice in data analysis and reporting. OpenPyXL provides a powerful and flexible way to work with Excel files using Python. We can use OpenPyXL to read and write data to Excel files, manipulate formatting, and perform analysis on the data.

Important Points

  • OpenPyXL is a Python library for working with Excel files
  • To read data from a specific cell, we need to load the workbook, select the sheet, and read the value of the cell
  • OpenPyXL provides various methods and tools for working with Excel files, such as data manipulation, formatting, and analysis


In conclusion, OpenPyXL is a powerful and flexible Python library for working with Excel files. We can use OpenPyXL to read and write data to Excel files, manipulate formatting, and perform data analysis. To read data from a specific cell, we need to load the workbook, select the sheet, and read the value of the cell.

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