  1. openpyxl-setting-data-validation-rules

Setting Data Validation Rules - Data Validation in Excel

Data validation is the process of ensuring that data entered into a system complies with certain standards and rules. In Excel, data validation rules can be set to limit the data entered into a cell. In this tutorial, we will explore how to set data validation rules in Excel.

Getting Started with Setting Data Validation Rules


To set a data validation rule in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells where you want to apply the validation rule.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon menu.
  3. Click on "Data Validation" in the "Data Tools" group.
  4. In the "Data Validation" dialog box, choose the validation criteria and enter the relevant values and/or formulas.
  5. Click "OK" to apply the validation rule to the selected cell or range.


Let's assume that we want to set a validation rule that allows only whole numbers between 1 and 100 in the selected cell range. Here are the steps to set the validation rule:

  1. Select the cell or range of cells where you want to apply the validation rule.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab in the Excel ribbon menu.
  3. Click on "Data Validation" in the "Data Tools" group.
  4. In the "Data Validation" dialog box, choose "Whole number" in the "Allow" field.
  5. Choose "between" in the "Data" field and enter "1" and "100" in the "Minimum" and "Maximum" fields, respectively.
  6. Click "OK" to apply the validation rule to the selected cell or range.


The output of setting a data validation rule in Excel is that any data entered into the selected cell or range must meet the validation criteria set in the rule. If an invalid value is entered, Excel will display an error message.


Setting data validation rules in Excel helps ensure that data entered into the system complies with certain standards and rules. This prevents errors and inconsistencies in the data and ensures data integrity.

Data validation rules can be set to limit the data entered into a cell or range. The validation criteria can include whole numbers, decimals, dates, times, text or custom rules.


Data validation is commonly used for tasks such as:

  • Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of data entered into an Excel worksheet.
  • Preventing errors caused by incorrect data entry.
  • Tracking data changes over time.

Important Points

  • Excel data validation rules help ensure data accuracy and integrity.
  • Data validation rules limit data entered into a cell or range of cells.
  • Validation rules can be customized to match specific data requirements.


In this tutorial, we learned how to set data validation rules in Excel, including the syntax, example, output, explanation, use, and important points. Data validation is crucial to maintaining data integrity and accuracy in Excel worksheets. By limiting the data entered into a cell or range with validation rules, errors and inconsistencies can be minimized.

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