  1. openpyxl-opening-an-existing-workbook

Opening an Existing Workbook - ( Working with Excel Files )

Heading h2


import openpyxl

# Load the workbook
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')

# Access the sheets within the workbook
sheet =


import openpyxl

# Load the workbook
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('example.xlsx')

# Access the sheets within the workbook
sheet =

# Access individual cells within the sheet
cell = sheet['A1']


The code above will print the value of the cell A1 within the workbook 'example.xlsx'.


Working with spreadsheets is an essential part of data analysis, and Python provides a useful package called openpyxl for working with Microsoft Excel files. The openpyxl package provides easy access to Excel files, allowing users to open, read and write data to an existing workbook.

In the above example, we open an existing workbook example.xlsx and access the active sheet within the workbook. We then access an individual cell within the sheet using its Excel cell reference and print the value stored in that cell.


Opening an existing workbook using the openpyxl package is useful for accessing and manipulating spreadsheet data for data analysis or data processing tasks. It is a powerful tool for automating tasks that require working with large amounts of data in spreadsheets.

Important Points

  • openpyxl is a Python package that allows users to access and manipulate Excel files
  • The load_workbook function in openpyxl is used to open an existing Excel workbook
  • The active attribute of the workbook object is used to access the active sheet within the workbook
  • Individual cells within the sheet can be accessed using their Excel cell reference
  • The value attribute of the cell object can be used to read the value stored in the cell


In conclusion, opening an existing workbook using the openpyxl package is an essential part of working with Excel files in Python. The load_workbook function can be used to open an existing Excel workbook, and the active attribute of the workbook object is used to access the active sheet within the workbook. Once the sheet is accessed, individual cells within the sheet can be accessed using their Excel cell reference and the value attribute of the cell object. openpyxl is a powerful tool for automating tasks that require working with large amounts of data in spreadsheets.

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