  1. openpyxl-adjusting-column-and-row-dimensions

Adjusting Column and Row Dimensions - ( Cell Formatting in Openpyxl )

Heading h2


# Adjust the width of a column
worksheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 20

# Adjust the height of a row
worksheet.row_dimensions[3].height = 40


import openpyxl

# Load an existing Excel workbook
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook('sample.xlsx')

# Select a worksheet by name
worksheet = workbook['Sheet1']

# Adjust the width of a column
worksheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 20

# Adjust the height of a row
worksheet.row_dimensions[3].height = 40

# Save the changes to the workbook'sample.xlsx')


The output will be an updated Excel workbook with the adjusted column and row dimensions.


Openpyxl provides various tools and techniques for formatting Excel workbooks and cells. One such feature is the ability to adjust the dimensions of columns and rows.

In the above example, we load an existing Excel workbook and select a worksheet by name. We then adjust the width of a column and the height of a row using the worksheet.column_dimensions and worksheet.row_dimensions properties, respectively. Finally, we save the changes to the workbook.


Adjusting column and row dimensions is a useful feature of Openpyxl. It can help make the workbook more aesthetically pleasing, improve readability, and ensure that the data is presented in a clear and organized manner.

Important Points

  • Openpyxl provides various tools and techniques for formatting Excel workbooks and cells
  • You can adjust the dimensions of columns and rows using the worksheet.column_dimensions and worksheet.row_dimensions properties, respectively
  • Adjusting column and row dimensions can help make the workbook more aesthetically pleasing, improve readability, and ensure that the data is presented in a clear and organized manner


In conclusion, adjusting column and row dimensions is a useful feature of Openpyxl that can help improve the appearance and readability of Excel workbooks. Openpyxl provides various tools and techniques for formatting cells and workbooks, including adjusting column and row dimensions. By using this feature, you can ensure that your data is presented in a clear and organized manner, and that the workbook is aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.

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