  1. numpy-string-functions

String Functions in NumPy

NumPy provides several string functions that can be used for array manipulation of string data. These string functions can be used to perform various operations on the elements of arrays.


The syntax for using string functions on NumPy arrays is as follows:


Here, function_name is the name of the string function, and arr is the NumPy array on which the operation needs to be performed.


Consider the following example, where the numpy.char.add() function is used to concatenate two arrays of strings:

import numpy as np

arr1 = np.array(['Hello', 'World'])
arr2 = np.array(['!', '?'])

arr3 = np.char.add(arr1, arr2)

The output of this code will be:

['Hello!' 'World?']


The output of the string functions in NumPy depends on the operation performed. Some of the common array manipulations using string functions include concatenation, splitting, slicing, and searching for substrings.


NumPy provides several string functions that can be used to manipulate arrays of string data. These functions are designed to work with arrays and can perform the same operation on each element of the array, similar to other array operations. String functions can be used for concatenation, splitting, slicing, and searching for substrings.


String functions in NumPy are useful in scenarios where you need to manipulate arrays of string data. These functions can be used to perform various operations on arrays, enabling you to perform complex string operations efficiently.

Important Points

  • NumPy string functions are designed to work with arrays of string data.
  • String functions can perform various operations on arrays, including concatenation, splitting, slicing, and searching for substrings.
  • When working with string data, it's important to ensure that the data is in the correct format and encoding.


NumPy provides several string functions that can be used for array manipulation of string data. These functions can be used to perform various operations on arrays, including concatenation, splitting, slicing, and searching for substrings. String functions are useful in scenarios where you need to manipulate arrays of string data, enabling you to perform complex string operations efficiently.

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