  1. numpy-installation

Installation - NumPy Tutorial

NumPy is a popular python library that is often used for scientific computing and numerical analysis. Here are the necessary steps to install NumPy on your local machine.


Installing NumPy is done through pip, the package manager for Python.

pip install numpy


pip install numpy


When the NumPy installation is complete, you should see a message similar to the following:

Successfully installed numpy-1.20.3


NumPy is not a built-in library in Python, so it must be installed separately. The installation process is done through the "pip" package manager, which comes pre-installed with most versions of Python.


Once NumPy is installed, it can be used in Python projects to perform scientific computing and numerical analysis. NumPy provides a number of numeric data types, such as arrays and matrices, and functions that operate on them.

Important Points

  • NumPy depends on some external libraries, such as BLAS, that must be installed on your system for best performance.
  • It is recommended to use a virtual environment when installing NumPy, to avoid conflicts with other Python installations on your machine.
  • NumPy is a widely used library, with many extensions and auxiliary tools available, such as pandas and matplotlib, which make data manipulation and visualizations easy.


Installing NumPy involves using the "pip" package manager for Python. Once installed, NumPy provides a variety of numeric data types and functions that can be used for scientific computing and numerical analysis. It is recommended to use a virtual environment and to check the external dependencies for best performance.

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