  1. numpy-bitwise-operators

Bitwise Operators in NumPy

NumPy is a popular library in Python for numerical computing. It enables efficient array manipulation and calculation operations on these arrays. Bitwise operators are a type of arithmetic operator that work with binary numbers. In NumPy, it is possible to apply bitwise operators on arrays using a specialized array class called ndarray.


The general syntax for bitwise operators is as follows:

numpy.bitwise.<operator_name>(operand1, operand2)

Here, operator_name is the name of the bitwise operator to be applied. operand1 and operand2 are the arrays on which the bitwise operation is performed.


Consider the following example that demonstrates the use of the bitwise OR operator on two NumPy arrays A and B:

import numpy as np

A = np.array([1, 2, 3])
B = np.array([4, 5, 6])
C = np.bitwise_or(A, B)



[5 7 7]

The output shows the result of applying the bitwise OR operator on elements of arrays A and B to generate a new array C with the same shape as A and B.


Bitwise operators perform bit-level operations on binary numbers. NumPy's bitwise operators work on the value of each bit of an array's elements. Every element of the array is treated separately, and the operator is applied to the corresponding bits of each element.


Bitwise operations can be used in many applications such as image processing, encryption, and communication protocols. In NumPy, applying bitwise operations on arrays can help to manipulate dataefficiently, since it is applied element-wise.

Important Points

  • Bitwise operators work on binary numbers, so apply them to an array that is made up of binary elements.
  • Bitwise operators can help in array manipulation operation such as encoding/decoding or filtering arrays.


In NumPy, bitwise operators perform bit-wise operations on binary numbers and can be applied on numpy arrays. Numpy bitwise operator requires two operands where the bit-wise function is applied element-wise on corresponding bits of an array. They can be applied in many applications that involve binary number manipulation.

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