  1. numpy-broadcasting

Broadcasting in NumPy

Broadcasting is a powerful feature in NumPy that allows for arithmetic operations between arrays with different shapes and sizes. It eliminates the need to repeat arrays or use loops to match array sizes, making code more concise and computationally efficient.


The basic syntax for broadcasting in NumPy is as follows:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
b = np.array([2, 2, 2])

c = a * b


In this example, a and b are one-dimensional arrays. The multiplication operation between these arrays is possible because of the broadcasting feature in NumPy.


Consider the following example, where broadcasting is used to add a constant value to an array:

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])
b = 2

c = a + b


In this example, a is a two-dimensional array and b is a scalar value. The addition operation between these arrays is possible because of the broadcasting feature in NumPy.


In both of the above examples, the output will be an array with the same shape as the input arrays, where each element of the output array is the result of the arithmetic operation applied element-wise to the input arrays.


Broadcasting allows for arithmetic operations between arrays with different shapes and sizes by extending the smaller array to match the larger one. The smaller array is repeated along its missing dimensions until it has the same shape as the larger array.


Broadcasting can be used to perform arithmetic operations on arrays of different sizes and shapes. It eliminates the need to repeat arrays or use loops to match array sizes, making code more concise and computationally efficient.

Important Points

  • NumPy arrays that do not have the same shape can still be combined using broadcasting.
  • Broadcasting can be done along any dimension of an array.
  • Broadcasting can only be done with arrays that have compatible shapes. Arrays are compatible if their shapes are either equal or one of them has a dimension of 1.
  • Broadcasting has performance tradeoffs and can lead to unexpected results in some cases when it is used inappropriately.


Broadcasting is a powerful feature in NumPy that allows for arithmetic operations between arrays of different sizes and shapes. It eliminates the need to repeat arrays or use loops to match array sizes, making code more concise and computationally efficient. Broadcasting can be done along any dimension of an array, but it has performance tradeoffs and can lead to unexpected results in some cases when used inappropriately.

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